Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wearing Earrings as a Christian

I was blog-hopping and  found a really interesting post at
As she was delving deeper into Deuteronomy 15 and her voluntary slavery (being a bondservant) to the Lord she made me think.
Because her blog offers a really good link to and online Bible, I sat down and looked at several (meaning most listed) versions of Deuteronomy 15:16-17.
Quite a few things caught my eye in this chapter, and specifically these verses. The thought that they pierced their ears (in a painful manner),
then wore a gold ring it to show they were a slave for life~
was a lot to take in.
But, although they were still a slave, I would imagine that, having made that decision to stay, they were more like a family member in many ways.
Isn't it the same way with our own relationship with Christ?
Don't we initially make the decision to follow...
go through personal changes as we give up our old life and many unsaved friends...
endure heartache and persecution over our choice to follow Him...?
Then, after much growth,
and running hot and cold,
we reach maturity in Him
and really commit our lives to following Him forever
No Matter What?
And so,
as I contemplate these verses
and an outward showing of commitment to Him,
I wonder...
could a small set of gold rings in the ears
be a symbol of
Commitment to Serving Christ?
A physical reminder to the wearer of
where their allegiance should be
At All Times!  

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