Monday, March 10, 2014

Loving Other Christians

The Bible says we are to love other Christians. I do realize that not everyone is at the same place in growth in their Christian walk, but why do so many seem to get great delight out of setting up others to look bad? Why are conversations twisted to ruin reputations?
And yet I do realize that diminishing another can make the tale teller feel better about themselves, and, for a time until the truth is revealed, can make the victim look bad and give the tale teller a feeling of importance. Sometimes this damage is irrepairable. Sometimes the hurt runs too deep. Sometimes the tales told and rumors spread have simply gone too far and the victim is driven away from the church.
Hopefully the victim is a strong Christian and uses this experience to help others who have been hurt similarly.
What really matters?
God knows the truth~
Breathe deeply, feel His love~
Move On...

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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