Sunday, November 10, 2013

Few Dishes Washed...

Well, I'm up...
Coffee's going and I've done up a few dishes while it was brewing...
Matt's still sound asleep the way only a growing teen knows how to sleep in!
As soon as I pour my first cup of coffee (in a two cup mug!), I'm heading to my room to catch up on Bible study. I need to begin my review of notes taken at church over the last 1-2 years, reread the related verses and cross-reference. Then, apply to my life more clearly... maybe even blog what I've studied!
Later, after Matt wakes and we eat breakfast, we are climbing up on the roof to replace a vent cap. I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to accomplish this in a skirt, but it has to be done as the current cap is cracked and leaking in. While up there we will also trim back tree branches that are too close to the roof and wood stove chimney.
From there? Well, we plan to visit an old family friend this afternoon before going to church this evening.
These are my plans, but what are His for my day?
We shall see!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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