Tuesday, December 10, 2013


As I struggle to pay all our bills and extra on the mortgage (to avoid forclosure),
I realize I am so blessed.
I sit here grateful for our fire...
and dinner in the oven...
Matt in the tub...
his haircut almost finished...
clean clothes...
Hugs and Prayers
at bedtime...
planning clothes for church...
Our little family is so blessed.
It's 16F here and dropping...
What if we were homeless...
I'm literally one paycheck away from forclosure...
As we give out hats to those who sleep on the streets,
we're thoroughly reminded to appreciate everything God has blessed us with.
Good food
Warm safe home
Good friends
Family that cares
A job
A car
Thank You, Lord!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?

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