Sunday, September 13, 2015

Switching Back to my Percolator

Good morning!! Welcome back.
What method do you use to brew your coffee? Why? Do you find it satisfactory?
Up until today I have been using an automatic drip coffee maker, but have been, in the back recesses of my mind, thinking about the Kerig recall. If Kerig coffee makers were recalled because bacteria was growing in the plastic tubing couldn't the same be happening in all coffee makers utilizing such tubing?
For a while (couple years) I ran bleach and dish soap through my coffee maker regularly to kill off any odd bacteria but, as I didn't go through this process daily, I knew I was still drinking potentially contaminated coffee. Yuck!! Who really wants to season their coffee with random bacteria???!!!!!
I have finally pulled my stove top percolator out of the far regions of my kitchen cabinet (where it awaited a camping trip) and am using it once again. And the coffee maker? It will go in a box for my yard sale once I scrub it down.
So . . .
Let me ask you . . 
Do you prefer your coffee with or without bacteria seasonings?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?