Sunday, September 13, 2015

My War Room

  Hello and God Bless!!
Have you seen the movie "The War Room"?? If you haven't you definitely should see it at least once. Matt and I saw it last night and I can say we'd love to see it again!! We will definitely be getting this one on DVD. . . I promised Matt.
The concept of keeping a room just for war in prayer is awesome!! Imagine an actual physical room just for that!! Wow!!
Now, I do not have that luxury as my home I tiny and we are preparing to move, so I am going to use a notebook as my posting place. And,as I do much of my praying at work while cleaning/bookkeeping, I may post my more urgent prayer lists on the wall above my desk in my cubicle.
I've decided to use the notebook I've been carrying around with me as less-is-more is a good life theme. This way I'll always have my prayer notebook handy as well as my current life-lists . . I am thinking the two (2) are very interrelated anyways. And, as I left my extra Bible in the rental car (sharing Christ forward?) I will add my mini Bible to my bag.
How are you setting up your War Room??

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?