Sunday, September 13, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~~ September 12, 2015 ~~ Sabbath Day

   ^_~.     sleepy chilly morning; no sugar= no hot coffee; peaceful Sabbath morning; cleaning duties at work; sweet Matt hanging out with me (on his laptop, but nice I can see him as I work); steak burritos and a large Coke; how short the distance from here to there is becoming; prayer for clarity; watching "Faith Like Potatoes" play out in my own life; feeling a bit wonky and wondering why; wishing so badly that I was in Rockford with church; home and feeling chilled; that knowing that I know . . and the associated waiting on God; quilting, praying and resting; seeing "The War Room" with Matt (everyone should see that movie~ will blog more on this later); home~ peace and quiet and safety and unconditional love

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?