Sunday, August 23, 2015

Homestead Moments

Good morning to you! It was an early morning here as Matt's high school bus schedule has reprogrammed my internal clock to wake by 6:00am!!
As I peered out my back door I realized the wagon had not been put away and there were still bits of trash scattered about my yard . . . have to get Matt on that directly! He's a good help around the homestead.
I started a load of laundry and a fresh pot of hot coffee then woke my Matt to put away the wagon and tidy up out back . . .
Out front I found one of my favorite plants is blooming! Yea!! With all the crazy rain this plant is sure thriving!!!
Matt and I started out on some errands only to find the check engine light on!! So our trip was cut short and we are back to our Sunday chores . . .


  1. The flowers are so pretty!

    1. Why, thank you!! These are funky odd flowers, but that makes them way more interesting. The plan thrives on water so has done well this summer with me only having to water it once!! It is planted along my black water garden so it gets slogged down with water when it rains.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?