Sunday, August 23, 2015

My First Crazy Quilt

Hey there! Hello and good day to you.
Well, I've got a fourth load of laundry running and have washed a few dishes. I'm slowly trying to get the mess out of the pans Matt has burned (funny how his cooking always tastes so good despite almost every pan burned!!).
Matt has prepped his rebate to mail, vacuumed a bit and is currently planting peach pits for me. Somehow his house keys have been misplaced (or they ran off on their own) so I am having him do an organized cleaning of different areas in hopes they'll turn up. I'd hate to have to go through the hassle of changing my locks again.
Between bouts of cleaning and organizing we have watched "Tom Sawyer" and are watching "Huck Finn". Matt's enjoying both~ a lot of boy-type adventures in both movies!
As a steady cool breeze drifts through a nap becons but must be ignored. I have many loads of laundry ahead as well as paperwork for SSI and my auto accident claim.  . .
Busy, busy, busy . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?