Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 234/365

Sabbath Day
Okay, so I have to bring you up to speed. We celebrate our Sabbath / day of rest on Saturday. Even though I have to work we are keeping our Sabbath on Saturdays as Sunday is dedicated to the worship of the sun god. We do not worship that god.
And so, I will begin to post a bit differently on the Sabbath.
Hold onto your shoes!!

So, today I did work~ some cleaning and some bookkeeping. And a nice chat with a sweet man who is almost like a dad to me . .
Now I am home and we have done a Bible study. Matt is finishing the hiking stick he will enter at the Will County Fair while I am stitching on my Hope Quilt Top  . . We are watching the movie "Revelation" . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?