Sunday, November 29, 2015

Wife Bible Study ~ 2 Samuel 11:3

Ah, this is a good Bible study for me for today  . . we have watched the movie of David sooooo many times!!
As I read I am noticing that, as in the movie, Bathsheba was bathing in such a way that she was visible from her window . . and so was she deliberately enticing whomever may see her? Wouldn't it be safe to presume there would be guards (at minimum) periodically walking along the roof of the king's castle who may catch a glimpse of her?
11:2 " . . and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautify to look upon."

And then, when David send for her she lays with him??? She  is  a  married  woman!!! Why didn't she simply leave? Explain her love of and loyalty to her husband then go home?!!!
11:4" . . . and she came in unto him, and he lay with her . . "
My NKJV Bible refers, in Bible study notes, to 11:27 "But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord." And in chapter 12 God clearly lets David know He saw everything David did and the punishment will be great!!

Always always best to obey the Lord!!!

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