Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ramblings from the Homestead . . My Day Off Work . .

Good morning!! Thought I'd share my day with you today . . what I'm up to and where (most of) my thoughts wander . .
awake around 8:00am as that's when the group across the street became loud enough I could hear them in my house  . . smh . . if I was a member of this particular group and attended all their very loud meetings I would feel differently, but right now I am looking forward to moving to a quieter area . . . maybe a member of their group will buy my homestead this spring? :)
meanwhile I've washed a few dishes and poured my coffee . . ahhhhh . . life is good!! Matt is still sound asleep as 14-year-olds love to sleep in and Sunday is the only day he has this luxury . . I have been noticing my lack of Bible study and that even my prayer life has been slacking this week . . I used to be in prayer almost 24/7 and that has somehow changed . . I can't say I'm deliberately not praying and reading my Bible, but I also can't say I'm deliberately making time to do it either  . . I get what the issue is and need to move on . . either I have faith in what God has put on my heart or I don't!! and I definitely do!! I remember Mary Cantu (such a heart for following Jesus) told me that God only gives a person visions of things they can handle right now; that one person may receive the vision while another person connected with it may not as they are not ready yet; keep the vision to yourself until you know for certain the other person knows also . . . and so I must quietly prepare for the amazing future He has for me . . not a future I would have dreamed of . . this future is so much better than anything I could have picked  . . . now i must be faithful to His plan, prepare my life
And Be Unwavering . . .
and so . . I need to do some Bible study then pray as I clean this house and quilt . . .
What vision has God given you for your future??

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?