Saturday, September 5, 2015

Deuteronomy 22:5

Happy Sabbath!!
Tonight I am catching up on my Bible study notes. Sometimes I study from notes and sometimes I study other ways.
My notes are from Tuesday, February 17, 2017 and taught by Pastor Frank Wallace.

Deuteronomy 22:5~~
I, personally, struggle with this verse. Not that I generally wear men's clothing, I don't, but the determination of the gender-association of certain items is still, admittedly, a bit unclear.
I understand about dresses vs pants, but the concept that any items labeled men's and women's was designed for men then women started wearing these so a women's version was made, but it's still men's apparel so off-limits~~ that seems too much of a stretch for me.
There are men's and women's:
* shoes
* gloves
* socks
* hats
      Now, I don't buy my clothing in the men's department and I definitely don't buy my son's clothing in the women's department, but I do wonder how to tell,
"Is it a sin to wear those items on my list?"
I so want to be pleasing and obedient to my Lord as it is simply not enough to only be saved. Once saved one Must also be obedient. Not following the Law, as that was covered by the crucifixion, but by obeying the New Testament rules He has given us.

1 Timothy 2:9~~
To be adorned modestly and without fancy braids and jewelry is important in obedience. Not that one will go to hell for not following this rule, but that one may not have as high a position in heaven due to disobedience.

Is the rebellion of wearing clothing of the opposite sex really worth it??

1 comment:

  1. I must admit that there were New Testament verses I wanted to refer to concerning appropriate wardrobe for men and women, but looked and looked , finally realizing that I was simply too tired to search longer. I will add these reference verses in the comments in time.


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