Saturday, September 5, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~~ 9.5.2015~~ Sabbath

       overslept; peaceful; time to talk to God/look deeper at future plans; sweet, sleepy son; fresh, hot coffee; car back from shop; show of true colors; 79*F and 76% humidity; thoughtfulness; bottles of frozen water; 84*F with 66% humidity; quietly doing my job; the future He has for Matt and I; planning for yard sale; what to keep and what will we want on our new boat; "this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long"; poison ivy; chicken salad and Cherry Dr. Pepper; my Mom and long chats almost every day; payday so I can pay bills; a very helpful conversation that may alleviate some of our desperation (thank you for that phone number!!); hot bath; an interesting supper a la Matt; watching "A Walk to Remember"; poison ivy; such a sweet son; the ability to look at our current situation, evaluate it and find a solution

Photo is of my sweet Matt who has ADHD and autism. Please take a moment to watch this video about autism (grab a tissue first!!).

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?