Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Day aka A Day at Home!!!

A day of sleeping in is a true blessing to this single mom! It's a day to reconnect with my son and do a bit of catching up on cleaning. It's also a day to begin the process of going forward on my plans for 2014.
Thoughts of baking, gardening and landscaping options, coffee blends and endless knitting fill my head and pull me forward to a better life for Matt and I.

As I knit and Matt makes his list of things he'd like to accomplish in 2014, we quietly watch the Waltons and enjoy the peace of home. As much as we dearly love this little house we are planning to eventually sell and move... all part of our plan for our future.... all part of growing and going forward.... all part of having a secure future as I age...
And, as Matt makes his list, the list of a 12-year-old young man, I learn bits and pieces of what makes Matt who he is...
And, from here...?
Well, now we absolutely must spend quality time every day working on some item on our respective lists!
Then, every week or two (2), we'll sit down and rewrite our lists... after all, sometimes working on one item on a list may very well reveal to the list-maker that that particular goal wasn't what we thought it was for one reason or another.... and, at that point, it's time to re-evaluate where we are headed and why...

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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