Monday, October 21, 2013

Make Your Home a Haven Fall Challenge

Day 28~~ well, as I sit here all snuggled into my cozy bed, I realize a toasty fire negates the need for quite so many blankets!
Here on the homestead we're shifting gears as we hear of snow on the horizon. And so we are finishing up outdoor projects as time allows between rainfall and praying for a dry Indian summer so we can install a new vent cap on our roof (a first time project for Matt and I!!).
Tonight we ran three (3) loads of laundry, cleared the kitchen table, maintained a fire, ate a fun healthy dinner, took baths and put clean sheets on beds. It's not the same as being an at-home-mom, but, as a single mom working six (6) days/ week, this is the best I can do.
But, more important than a spotless house, we have a house filled with love, understanding, compassion and encouragement to move ahead and learn more!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?