Saturday, May 26, 2012

Joy Dare~ May 2012

(Blogger is not allowing me to cut/paste properly~ please bear with me!)

7th~ 3 gifts about your home~ peace and quiet; a huge sense of security; changes requiring me to sort out treasures saved
8th~ 3 gifts inside a closet~ rice; sazon; blueberry pie filling
9th~ 3 gifts found in the dark~ peaceful sleep; time with the Lord; direction
10th~ a gift outside, inside, upside down~ peonies blooming; cleaning house; the changes I made when I was on the wrong path
11th~ 3 gifts about your parents~ love of sewing and cooking; money management skills; farming in the blood
12th~ 3 gifts held in hand today~ my position as parent; peace; contentment with home
13th~ 3 gifts found in your Mother~ perseverence against all odds; love of children; love of gardening
14th~ a gift picked up, put away, put back~ fallen laundry; unrealistic ideas; who I really am in Him
15th~ 3 gifts about you~ patience as a parent; love of and appreciation for Christ; love of homemaking
16th~ 3 gifts found in His word~ that my suffering is for growth; beware false prophets; "But in the last days it shall come to pass, that  the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it." Micah 4:1
17th~ a gift in a box, a bag, a book~ hair color; tent; Hebrews 11:1
18th~ 3 gifts unexpected~ daughter's sweet smile; prayer time; a closer walk due to adversity
19th~ 3 gifts from your childhood~ love of camping; farm life; being the oldest child
20th~ a gift sweet, sour, salty~ his smile; rebellious girl; repentant love
21st~ 3 gifts found in little people~ honest smiles; wholesome play; wholehearted snuggles
22nd~ 3 gifts that made you laugh~  a boy eating rhubarb; my boy in the tub; "My Favorite Martian"
23rd~ 3 gifts found in community~ Aiden DiTola's wake and the completely amazing support the Boy Scout community poured out (I think there were over 1000 Scouts, leaders and their families present to honor that sweet little boy!)
24th~ a gift in a plate, pot, package~ new breakfast sandwich idea; fresh, hot coffee; free Jeep repairs
25th~ 3 gifts hard giving thanks for~ the wait; my w.o.r.k.; my bills
26th~ a gift worn, white, whispered~ my skirt; cleansed in the blood;
27th~ 3 gifts found in church~
28th~ 3 gifts in today's work~
29th~ a gift at 8am, 12pm, 8pm~
30th~ 3 gifts blue~
31st~ 3 gifts you gave today~

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?