Saturday, May 26, 2012

Be Grateful Challenge~ May 2012

(Blogger is not allowing me to cut/ paste properly~ please bear with me)

10th~ happy morning; w.o.r.k.; Avon; friends; His path, not mine; peonies and iris; everything falling into place even though it seems impossible; true friends; those special winks from God; Matt cooking supper; pulling weeds out back and that time to pray and think; laundry hung in doorways to dry; roses blooming out front; how sweet my whole lot smells; learning to be firm; praying to not feel guilty for being firm; glass of milk; "faith like potatoes"; peaceful sleep
11th~ sweet boy; silly boy chatter; Aleet Automotive; my blog; Beholding Glory Blog; pulling weeds at work; pulling weeds from my thoughts and my life; a call from my boss at w.o.r.k.; Aleet Auto being so honest and reasonable; having my Jeep back (am I in love with my Jeep?); Boys and Girls Club; a boss who understands little boy needs and Jeeps needing service; His plan for my life; possibility of free seasoned firewood from a known source; choir practice tonight
12th~ a sweet boy; a job; Avon orders; load of free firewood; Matt and Jesse hanging out
13th~ yummy breakfast at church; Sunday school and lessons learned about dealing with teens and tweens; church service and 100 kisses from Matt; Willie Mae attending church with us again; Matt unloading firewood from the Jeep and stacking it for me; poison ivy eradicated from the alley; alley trimmed and planted; learning t be content; remembering that I need to spend more time doing fun things with Matt
14th~ tween mood swings and the kisses still allowed; Matt catching the bus to school; getting to work early; urban herb garden; mulch; fresh hot coffee; doctor calling about Matt's evaluation; Boys and Girls club; quick supper; trailer cleaning party at Boy Scouts
15th~ sweet boy; dry bed again; laundry running; Matt catching the bus to school; appointment set to start Matt's assessment; poison ivy drying up; time in the sun; a chat with a friend
16th~ sweet little boy smile; Matt on bus to school; fresh, hot coffee; laundry hung and laundry running; hydrocortizone; passing out job flyers; bales of straw; chat with Nancy; Avon order coming in; Youth Group tonight and projects I have planned; God's neverending love; Matt's good day at school; Arizona Green Tea with ginseng; Bible study and the lesson taught; remembering what He said and what he said; time of prayer and contemplation at home; "faith like potatoes" and a better understanding of what that means :)
17th~ a sweet boyish smile; silly boy chatter; a grateful child; driving Matt to school; an honest, no holds barred, convesation with a real true friend and the revelation it brought (Thank You!); lawn mowing day at work; my urban herb garden; my Mother's voice; WBGL; Speedway; the plans He has for my life; people who listen and care; laundry washed and hung; a Boy Scout packed for camping; a room cleaned; a long shower; peaceful neighborhood; sitting for a minute in the hammock chair out front enjoying the night air; quiet time to talk to God while I knit and watch 'faith like potatoes' 
18th~ a sweet boy; God's plan; scrambled egg sandwiches; all packed for camping; a weekend free to relax; fresh, hot coffee; weeding; Tabitha @ BMO Harris; and that today she reminds me to pray; a chat with a good teacher; Matt off to camp
19th~ a text message returned; a very sweet man and his honesty; peaceful evening at home; bed early
20th~ fresh, hot coffee; breakfast cooked by Sister Robin; Sunday school class; a child who did her homework; Matt home from camp; making it back to church in time for service; sitting where I wanted to, but was afraid to; hanging at home and catching up laundry with Matt; Italian chicken for dinner; a nice long talk with a dear man; a long hot bath; a peaceful night
21st~ a sweet boy; ma bed made; Matt on bus to school; fresh, hot coffee; taking the weed eater to the back 40 before work; a quiet day of catching up books; a sweet smile and the way it warms my heart; ;reward ideas for the kids at church; Matt home from school; Boy Scout meeting; quiet evening at home; snuggle-bug
22nd~ a good son; raisins and rice for breakfast; a french braid; fresh, hot coffee; Aleet Auto; a nice walk to work; pleasant co-workers; quiet evening at home; watching "My Favorite Martian" with Matt
23rd~ another smooth running morning; fresh, hot coffee; 'ready' for wake tonight; running 2 erands for work; a wonderful son; amazing teacher and counselor at SEALS; all the Scouts, leaders and their families that showed utmost respect for Aiden DiTola's family's loss; seeing so many people I know at once, even under bad circumstances; lasting through the procession at the wake without outwardly crying; making it to the end of Bible study; a nice chat with a dear, sweet man; a chat afte Bible study with Lady Pat; watching Matt chat with Pastor Wallace; a peaceful neighborhood at home; snuggle time with Matt; Matt's Sunday school homework almost all caught up; finishing another hat for MorningStar Mission (I Love to knit hats for them!); my pillow
24th~ a wonderful son (more appreciative of him after yesterday); watching Matt in the hammock chair waiting for the bus; fresh, hot coffee; pink bandana headcovering (today I'm pink & green, but I am not a Kappa Delta); check engine light going off in Jeep again; my blog and my followers; scent of roses blooming at work; AC installed in my office; a walk to the corner store and a very short chat with Abid; candy for my grandson, Aiden; Arizona cranberry tea for me; a text from a dear friend; a positive talk with a boss and his advice; Jeep done~ love Aleet Auto~ Thank You, Dave R for recommending them; a pleasant walk back up to Aleet Auto to pick up my Jeep~ amazing service; my grandson, Aiden Allen Wheeler, and all his sillies; a day of prayer and fasting; Numbers 11:1-35; evening at home; solid parenting; a sweet boy full of mischief; snuggles; "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"; peaceful sleep
25th~ lare waking up; happy moning; driving matt to school; tangled hair; fresh, hot coffee; call froma friend; sweet morning kiss from Matt as he got out of the Jeep at school; Precious Princess and Princess Nala in my office for now; Teri and Del to Joshua Arms to choose and apartment; a chat with Lady Pat; dinner at home with Matt; choir practice; voice messages; a phone call
26th~ sleeping in (Saturdays rock!); payroll finished;

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?