Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weather Tree ~ No Buds Yet!!

Hi there and welcome back!
     This morning I checked the weather tree out of pure curiosity and a deep seated desire for a bit warmer weather. I was sincerely hoping to look very closely and see even the tiniest of leaf buds. I had hope.
   I walked over quietly hoping, hoping . . .
         No Leaf Buds At All!!
     Let me tell you, that was a seriously sad moment in my life.
         And, as I sit here on April 5th while it is 43*F outside and I scraped frost off my windows this morning . . . . well, I'm wondering when will it Ever warm up here again?? Are we doomed to this pre-spring mess forever??! Am I seriously getting a sore throat and ear ache in April???!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?