Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My 101 Things in 1001 Days List . . .

Sep 19, 2015 - Jun 16, 2018

1 Matt and I take train to Chicago to take items to homeless 
2 get a small dog/puppy for Matt for ADA needs 
3 set up cute storefront at home 
4 Set up items for homeless. 
5 organize important papers and file 
6 research prices for items I create 
7 set up online store 
8 mail Grandma's doilies to sisters 
9 submit article to be published 
10 roof addressed 
11 side income sufficient for vagabond live aboard 
12 hike at least once/week with Matt 
13 get firm price and amenity list for live aboard marina 
14 umbrella up trees/bushes at house and till dirt under each 
15 new tub knobs 
16 new kitchen faucet 
17 deep polish all wood in house~ varnish/seal as needed 
18 live closer to God 
19 clear house of all but essentials 
20 organize candles and oil lamps and associated supplies 
21 become more active with Ellis House and Helpers of Mother Earth 
22 become familiar with nooks and crannies of Desplains River 
23 new "homestead afloat" lifestyle started 
24 Own our own camper van 
25 Log a minimum of 70,000 steps/week on my pedometer app 

12% finished . .
28% in progress . .
60% not started . . . 
      I also moved quite a few to the "someday" file and totally removed some that are no longer relevant.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?