Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Make Your Home a Haven Challenge • Day 5

Hey there! Glad you're back.
How are you doing on this challenge? I'm doing pretty well so far . . I didn't light a candle Saturday after work as we went straight to pick up a friend and then to the drive-in movies (by the time Matt and I dropped off the friend and returned home it was well after 1:00am and we went straight to sleep . . last night I lit a candle and prayed but forgot to take a picture (old age setting in? LOL).
And tonight? We are home from Bible study (*happy thoughts*), the candle is lit, we're in jammies and Matt is concocting something yummy in the kitchen (he was plotting this food-adventure on the way home!!) . . .
Home is peaceful but messy as we still have so much to sort through for our move. But there is love and prayer and choosing to go forward for Him . . And then more prayer . . And poke wars and hugs and patience and prayers  . .
And a candle lit  . . .
   in the hall . . .
   in the kitchen . .
    in the living room. . . .
     in the bathroom . . . . . .
And we pause to pray   . . . .
for family . . .
  for friends . . .
   for sweethearts to be . . . .
    for each other . . .
     for our Pastor  . . . .
      for souls needing Jesus . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?