Tuesday, September 22, 2015

In My War Room . .

Good morning . .
How is your war room coming along?
I must admit I still do not have a physical room I go into to pray . .
I do, however, pray almost all day wherever I may be . . working, quilting, doing laundry, even taking a bath . . all are opportunities to pray for someone or a situation God has put on my heart!
Every day I pray for my Matt~ for traveling mercies as he goes to/from school and for blessings and doors to opened to him . . for him to be a blessing to others . .
Lately I have been doing extra praying and some fasting. (1/2 day) for someone special . . For God to bless this person and more . .
There is something about praying on situations and people then watching what amazing things God does with those prayers!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?