Saturday, September 19, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ** Sept 19, 2015 ** Sabbath Day

     First, I must admit I realized, after I accidentally sent yesterday's edition early, that I had completely lost site of the purpose of this challenge. Somehow it went from logging events I was grateful for each day into simply logging everything I did all day!! Hopefully I can keep it on track from here on!!

*** great overnight storm; rethinking prayer options for my war room; sweet son; homemade chicken and dumplings from Daniel; ice cold Coke; peace and quiet; time alone with God (at work) for Him to lead me; taking Jesse to the Cascade Drive-in with us (a friend makes a fun evening even better); hanging out with fun people~ we are having sooo much fun just relaxing at the movies

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?