Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Man Worth Obeying

Well, hello there!! I wanted to share with you, in a somewhat rambling form, my thoughts on this. This post has been on/off my mind for at least a week now as I've been trying to sort out how I really feel about it. . . 
I don't have any opposition to obeying a husband but, after three (3) failed marriages and 'dating' too many guys with very little really going for them, I seriously wonder if I'll ever bother to marry again!! This is the reason I didn't bother at all with men for so long and the reason I have chosen to not date for the last 2 1/2 years . .
Knowing obedience to a husband is a Biblical principle it is crucial to only marry a man worthy of such obedience. In my small world he should, above all else, be a godly man~> 'a man after God's own heart' . . a man who qualifies to be a husband under Biblical definition  . . what do I mean by that? Well, about four (4) years ago I went through my Bible and looked up every reference to 'wife', underlined it in pink and prayed about it . . it was a long slow process of self-evaluation to determine what was lacking in me to be such, as Miss Louis from Ma Chere Hair Style Academy used to say, "a bum magnet' . . . and so, I would like a husband who, although not perfect, strives to fit God's definition of a good husband . . . a man who has also done his homework and is diligently working to be a man worthy of a good wife . .
And meanwhile? Well, my plate is full to overflowing as you know . . I will continue to concentrate on all my current projects and a few I've not quite started . . . God keeps me busy just keeping up with His plans for my life . . . for now all is as it should be . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?