Thursday, August 6, 2015

MPG Game~ a New Take On It

Hello! Welcome back.
I wanted to share with you about how I'm doing with the MPG Game. First of all, I've finally raised my MPG 0.5!! I think the main reason is the overall slower pace my life has taken recently. This has overflowed into my driving habits thus causing less braking.
Secondly, I realized the money I receive for the mileage I drive for work should not all go straight into my gas tank. Here's how I'm now handling this money:
* I get 20.6MPG
* this means for the money I collect for each 21 miles driven I may only put one (1) gallon of gas into my car.
     Based on this financial theory and the fact that my last mileage log had 84 miles driven, I allotted money for four (4) gallons of gas. This was approximately $10 of the $35 received.
The remaining $25 is to be put aside for car maintenance and repair. My theory is that, over time, this money will accumulate to the point of being able to get my back rotors replaced.
Now there may be a down side to this. Because of recent finance changes with my household gas for the car is no longer within our budget. This could possibly mean a need to dip into the maintenance and repair budget in order to continue driving. .  .
We shall see . . 
Time will tell . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?