Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hope Quilt Top / Day 216/365

I stitch and realize I am very blessed and very spoiled  . . so many of my blessings are far from financial . . . it's those "little" things like a smile, chat, hug, thoughtful gift . . although being financially comfortable would be nice, having a loving home and a few close friends can make anything bearable  . . . being off by myself at work the last few days I look off toward where He is leading us and contemplate Psalm 90:12 . . . what does where He is leading me have to do with what He is calling me to do? My current calling seems to be reaching the homeless  . . . and so I am needing to pray more for direction in preparing to move ahead . . . no matter what comes next it is comforting to know He always provides our needs . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?