Sunday, August 16, 2015

John 15:1-11

I saw this passage on facebook (thank you, Smily Lata!!) and had to make it part of my family Bible study for today.
I totally relate to this passage as I am going through a time of testing my faith in Him.
As long as I have Jesus nothing can stop me. God is always going to provide my actual needs (that's needs, not wants) as long as I am faithful and obedient to His Word. As Matt and I enter a time of sparce living we still are so abundantly blessed and more so daily.
We have:
* Our Salvation
* Solid mother-son relationship
* A nice home 
* Good food
* Nice Clothing
* Utilities on  
* Caring friends

In looking at so many on the streets and those who have no relationship with Christ, I would say we are over and abundantly blessed every day!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?