Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 228/365

Happy Sunday to you!! Today really should be a day of rest as it's my only day off so has to be my Sabbath. Actually, though, knowing the Sabbath is supposed to be Saturday, I need to do work assigned at my job, do extra Bible study and rest all evening. That is definitely something to start this week.  0:-)
Meanwhile, with our budget having taken a huge hit (I'm told this can be fixed, but won't begin breathing again until it is) I am  regrouping further and I am on a massive cleaning/organizing mode!!
So, we are up and I've done some dishes as well as the first load of laundry is running. My favorite coffee cup (a disposable iced latte cup with a lid and straw from McDonald's) is full of fresh, hot coffee. Ahhhh . . .
Matt has filled one bag with trash from his room/man cave and is headed for a thorough soak in the tub. I am folding laundry as well as getting ready to start another load.
The Last Alaskans is on my TV in my room (a comfy place to hang out!)  . . .
Life is good despite our budget issues . . .
Half the battle is attitude and my son is awesome in adversity!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?