Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Blessings of a Non-Credit Class

Hi! Welcome back!!
I just wanted to share a bit about the fun I've been having taking noncredit classes at Joliet Junior College. So far I have taken three (3) classes: Financing Small Businesses, Grant Writing and Finances For Women. The grant writing class was in two (2) two (2) hour sessions while each of the other two (2) classes were a single two (2) hour session.
I can honestly say I really learned a lot from both the grant writing and finances for women classes (the small business financing class just wasn't relevant to my needs/goals).  All three (3) really motivated and inspired me to move ahead!! In a world where it can seem virtually impossible to change your circumstances, taking these classes is a real life changer!!
And from here?
Well, the catalog of summer classes anxiously awaits my perusal. I wonder what fun and interesting classes will be offered? Many of the classes are under $50 with some even free so there is absolutely no excuse for missing out on this fabulous opportunity!!!
What classes are you taking?
What classes do you recommend and why?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?