Thursday, May 21, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge

     sweet boy; fresh, hot coffee brewed with cinnamon and pumpkin spice; banana for breakfast; home .. .
      quiet day watching office; kind tenants; finding doctor office; a nice chat with my niece and how sweet she is;  finding my drivers license in my car; having a really good doctor who is current on research; being able to see Rowley farm from doctor's office window . . .
           Menards and hanging with Matt; rebate forms for home and work; supplies for projects for the weekend (will post pics!!!); supper and a long talk; a nice chat with my niece and how her plans motivate me . . .
Matt's new haircut; a drive through Oakwood Cemetery; out trimmed a bit; my pond at twilight
Sweet Dreams, all!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?