Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Joy Dare ~ April 21, 2015

3 gifts found in Christ~~
3 Angels 0:)

* Matt, for so much love, being such a sweetie, helping me no matter what and for that arm around my shoulders as we walked from the car to the ER entrance
* Mom, for listening, insisting I get to the ER immediately and waiting up for my after midnight call that I was being admitted
* Donna Lineman, for threatening "if you don't go to the ER immediately, I'm going to hop all the way to Joliet and kick your___!!!"

All three of you are gifts from God in my life . . . You remind me of my true value as a child of God . . . lift me up when I'm down . .  challenge my thought process . . . make me laugh and cry . . . help me grow  . . .
Thank you for being in my corner!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?