Sunday, April 26, 2015

Joy Dare ~~ April 2015

21st~~ 3 gifts found in Christ~~
* patience
* salvation
* rest

22nd~~ 3 gifts close~~
* Matt
* soft words from special people
* medical care

23rd~~ 3 gifts reflecting ~~
* His plan for my life
* concern on doctors' faces
* a clearer plan set/ better focus on what matters to Him

24th~~ 3 gifts fragile~~
* distant family
* friendships
* work

25th~~ a gift cloth, steel, wood~~
* soft fluffy comforters
* my desk at work
* comforting walls at home

26th~~ 3 gifts moving ~~
* drive with Matt
* exploring pick-n-pull car parts lot
* new paintball possibilities

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?