Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dead Sea Scrolls Bible

Bereshit 22:13-15
As I read the few verses available in this edition I am reminded that, although the Bible, as initially directed by God, is infallible, it was written down and repeatedly translated by fallible men. The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible is the oldest Bible translated into English.
Although so far it seems, to my untrained eye, fairly similar to the King James Version.
I would so love to also read the books not included/banned from the Bible by those men who chose what books we would be allowed to have in our Bible. The concept that not all books were included so the whole accurate story is not easily available baffles me. I, personally, like to have all details/information available.
I've decided I am not allowed to purchase a volume of the banned books of the Bible until I finish reading the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible .. . .
What about you??
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