Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Comfort of that Power Plant

As we sit at home in our comfortable family rooms I have to wonder how many of us are truly prepared for the power to go out . . . Go out for good?
I must admit my homestead is only partially prepared. I have some unused candles and some that are used up but can be remelted into new ones. I'm afraid I do not have any practical experience with finding resources to get supplies for new candles. Yes, once the entire infrastructure has completely collapsed and much of the population has died, I can look for resources in abandoned homes. But once that resource is spent? I current have no idea. I need to begin researching and putting those lessons into practice.
Now, I do also have oil lamps and a very small amount of lamp oil (1 bottle, literally). I have thoughts and theories about using cooking grease for lamp oil, but have not tried it yet. I must investigate this further before I need the skill to survive.
That power plant in the distance may be comforting for now . . .
But it is a Deceiving Comfort!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?