Friday, February 21, 2014

'Purpose Driven Life~ Worship...'

It is good to read this chapter and to check myself and my worship of Him. As I think of how I worship I realize I am so much more open at home or in my car than I am at church. For me it is a safety issue/ an issue of caring far too much what anyone will say about how I worship. This is something I must get over.
It is interesting to read of "nine of the ways people draw near to God" and to see myself in one of those ways, a caregiver. By loving and worshiping God as me and no one else I can authentically worship Him.
At home that worship is with my arms stretched out. In the car it is with a hand raised.
And, as I read on about the church that banned music and singing in service for a time in order to teach the congregation that " worship is more than music", I'm delighted to see the sacrifices we make for Him are also acts of worship. I did not realize the knitting of hats for the homeless was an act of worship, only that it was what He needed of me at that time.
Mark 12:30

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?