Friday, February 21, 2014

Looking Back-Ahead

Tonight starts a new chapter in my life. I look back on the last year with amazement that I still get up every morning! But, seriously, it was a year of drastic ups and downs.
There was the man who proposed last February (and I accepted) then avoided me for over a week (he was a mistake)! Then the horrible camping trip with it's vicious attack while I was desperately missing the dear sweet man who took a trip to Florida. The same man who proposed to me and flirted so much I felt more cherished than ever before! Not to mention the attempt at a school bus driving job that was a mistake except that it was a huge learning experience.
And now? Now is a time of repair and preparation. My heart needs to heal from so many things and I nee to prepare my heart and home for this next beautiful stage in my life.
I have decided to begin taking myself out for coffee, prayer, thinking and blogging. The search begins for the right coffee shops!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?