Thursday, June 21, 2012

Joy Dare~ June 2012

1st~ 3 gifts orange~
2nd~ 3 gifts funny~
3rd~ 3 gifts from today's conversations~ seeing the realization of parenting responsibilities; totally unexpected speaking part at Founders Day; caring of a friend I didn't know I had 
4th~ 3 gifts found in Christ~ peace of knowing He works all things to His glory/ all is grace; Jeep keys located; keys brought to me by a church friend 
5th~ a gift of peace, of hope, of love~ peaceful neighborhood in am; chat w/ a dear, sweet man; Matt
6th~ 3 gifts "Ugly-Beautiful"~ new resolve and the resulting mess in a boy's room; Youth Group; evening chores
7th~ 3 gifts in what you are reading~ Hebrews 11:1-2; Proverbs 7; 1 Corinthians 11
8th~ 3 gifts empty~ the grave; pain from my heart; church visit
9th~ 3 gifts that made you really smile~ silly Aiden when I kissed his whole sweet face; Matt in the tent @ bedtime; my fb friends
10th~ a gift at 8, 12 and 2~ Matt telling me, "you know I'm in Junior High now..."; Pastor's sermon and the way it hit home; a nap
11th~ 3 gifts painted~ small stool; my house; mirror surface
12th~ 3 gifts full~ new commitment to just being me; people who like me for me; trust in Him
13th~ 3 gifts smelled~ fresh, hot coffee; clean boy; fresh laundry
14th~ a gift unexpected, unwanted, unlikely~ assurance in a dream, warning in a second dream; his attention; attic almost emptied  
15th~ 3 gifts in His word~ Acts 21:12-14; "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"; Isaih 40:31  
16th~ 3 gifts moving~ Jeep; attic stairs; Matt's wiggly self
17th~ 3 gifts in your Dad~ thriftiness; unconditional love; conversation
18th~ 3 gifts from your Heavenly Father~ leadership; love; heaven
19th~ 3 gifts you became today in serving~ humbled; broken; made anew   
20th~ a gift bent, beautiful, loved~ my will; Perissha's smile; all the kids in Youth Group 
21st~ 3 gifts found in light~ morning rays of sun through my bedroom window;  
22nd~ 3 gifts that are difficult~
23rd~ 3 gifts found around a table~

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?