Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be Grateful Challenge~ June 2012

3rd~ all-day church; day w/ christian family; serving the Lord; support in Sunday school class; yummy breakfast w/ church family; nice rest between services; good christian friends; Jeep keys missing; caring church family; help breaking into my house and ride home
4th~ call from a friend; Jeep keys located; friend willing to bring us keys and drive us to Jeep
5th~ long talk w/ Matt; new understanding
6th~ peaceful morning; sweet son; fresh, hot coffee
7th~ cooperative morning; having a job; boss being nice :) ; corny corn bread for dinner with country gravy; tent; call from a new friend; plans set; Avon brochures prepped; peaceful night in the tent
8th~ waking up in the tent to the sounds of nature waking with me; dozing off; a sweet boy; fresh, hot coffee; being goofy; skirts; my pink bandanna; kissing Aiden's whole face and watching him smile; Avon orders; a chat with a friend; donations for Aiden DiTola's benefit breakfast; opportunities to help others; being able to pay my mortgage; my own little store; hanging at work with Matt; a crazy-busy day; Matt's mac and cheese for lunch; listening to Matt quiz Teri on Bible Bowl questions; catching up books; Avon's free online training and the 'push' it gives me to succeed
9th~ sleepy morning waking in the tent; time w/ Matt; kissing Aiden's whole face and the silly grin he gave me; laundry; sleeping in the tent; fb friends to chat w/ while my neighbors fought loudly
10th~ humor in church; being able to focus; flu; long, long nap; help from Matt w/ household chores; "camping" in the family room as a big storm was forecast and the tent leaks 
11th~ peaceful morning; on time to work; Matt to Boys and Girls Club; tuna casserole; Boy Scout meeting; catching up house and gardening; quiet night
12th~ early morning; up and cooperative; Matt caught bus; early to work; 'necessary' compromises; cupcake from Candace; learning a friend is really only a friend; checking to see if lawns need to be mowed;  Michael back from doctor; potential new Avon customers; kniting while I wait for Matt's bus; "The Resolution for Women"; new list :) ; chatting w/ a good friend and realization it brought
13th~ quiet morning; Matt happy to go to school; early to work; peace; a good friend; laying it on the line to someone who just needed to deal with the way they talk to/ treat me; cats to Animal Control; evening at home with Matt; Matt's appreciation of rules being enforced
14th~ cool morning; fresh, hot coffee; Matt's hugs and kisses; toasted oats with raisins, coconut and sugar for breakfast; knowing we'll be okay; Jeep loaded up for work; quiet neighborhood; early to work; watering Urban Herb Garden; sweeping out my office; appreciative glances; time to hang out with Matt; Matt willingly doing laundry; prayer, fasting and trusting God; answers and re-assurance; weeds pulled in front gardens and finding many wild carrots; getting Avon brochures done; more organization; Matt's silly/ serious company; listening to Matt's more grown up, creative ideas; attic almost empty; Matt wanting snuggle; restful sleep
15th~ waking slowly with the sun; Matt's sweet, sleepy smile; boyish teasing; fresh, hot coffee; braided hair; early to work; Matt's cooperation; Matt hanging w/Aiden; Matt to Boys and Girls Club to swim and play basketball; Miss Debbie buying Avon's Bug Guard; Aiden hanging out in my office w/ me; the man who bought Avon's Musk Marine; choices I made that may have saved my life; choices I have made that will ensure my future in Him; Arizona Green Tea with ginseng and honey; Emma's okay; EQ in St Louis and wondering if he's ok; and him popping up at my office door, safe, sound and home with stories of his trip, a sweet smile and heart-felt sharing; the gift of chocolates and the accompanying sweet smile; choir practice; meeting with Elder Wallace about Sunday school
16th~ up early and a good breakfast; weatherization guys on time (ok, early); fun day while weaterization got done; thoughtful questions about my situation and why I'm single and who I would be willing to date and would I be willing to move.. hmmmm; trip to Menards with Matt; quiet evening with a wonderful son!!!
17th~ Sunday school and how nice it is when Lady Pat is there too; watching the kids learn about prayer; singing in choir; watching the kids who obediently approached the alter to pray as instructed; watching him heed the sermon and follow through; home for a short nap and to pack for Youth Group Lock-In; a good son; setting up Lock-In~ learning as I go; coming under and all it brings when I truly learn to humble myself and just obey; watching all 'my' kids learn about lock-ins; a trip to the park; 'flying' children; smiles, silliness, giggles and laughter; nachos and grilled hot dogs for dinner with chips, cookies and juice; 'Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo' and kids playing board games; adults who showed up to help; watching 'my' kids turn into a tighter knit family in Him; good girls fussing because they want to work on their Sunday school homework; working together to get ready for bed; chatter and giggles until 2:00am
18th~ up at 5:00am; sleepy girl's faces; watching the kids slowly become conscious; fresh, hot coffee; quick drive to MorningStar Mission; breakfast while we wait to serve the clients; Yummy cinnamon oatmeal; watching 'my' kids serve the homeless; watching 'my' kids grow in Him; quick drive back to church and loading up to go home; Perissha to Gompers; Deloria home, then to her Grandma's house; Matt to Boys and Girls Club; me on to work; catching up on books; erands for the boss; honesty against all odds; a sweet man stopping to say 'hi'; home and dinner; Boy Scouts and a new plan; evening with Matt
19th~ fasting (only sips of water); Matt up and sweet; bus arriving late so Matt and I had time for a chat before school; early to work; getting books 'done'; work caught up a bit; chat w/ a friend
20th~ Matt sweet; quick breakfast; Matt on school bus; books caught up at work; having a job; talk with Matt about his room; time at church; evening at home with Matt
21st~ teamwork at home; good breakfast; quick kiss and onto the school bus; books caught up and balancing nicely; visit from a boss; Avon payment from a customer; cream of potato soup; the suffering that is so necessary to grow in Him and to fulfill His amazing calling on each of our lives;      

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?