Thursday, May 10, 2012

"The Resolution for Women"... and a Give-Away

Hi! Welcome back! Come on in and have a cup of coffee.
I want to share with you about a book I'm reading...
"The Resolution for Women"
by the creators of "Fireproof" and "Courageous"...
The first assignment of the book is to be content with
where we are and what we have...
Honestly, I only read the first 2 1/2 pages of the first assignment last night.
But it made me think about how I've been living...
Rather than living in the now and being content,
I have been spending way too much time daydreaming
And hoping for the future...
And So...
Feeling convicted
And wanting to change
This morning,
As I woke my little snuggle bug,
I made an effort to really appreciate him,
So that
When I told him how much I love him
How precious he is to me
How handsome and smart he is
And how grateful I am that he is my son,
He could hear it in my voice!

The Give-Away~
Buy "The Resolution for Women" if you haven't...
Then leave me a comment here on how it is changing your life...
I have an accumulation of coupons to Give-Away...
Wednesday night, 5.16.12, I will read through the comments
and chose a winner...

1 comment:

  1. With no response to this Give-Away, I will roll the coupons over and add these to the next Give-Away!
    Be Blessed!!!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?