Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be Grateful Challenge~

1st~ sunny morning; sweet boy; fresh, hot coffee; bacon and eggs; iris blooming; learning to make a prayer veil; evening with a very sweet boy
2nd~ finding my special prayer veil under an afghan in my Jeep; a visit with a dear friend and the understanding of love and trust it revealed; having a job; Matt's school; Bible study and dinner with my church family; having an awesome son
3rd~ morning time to hang out with Matt; fresh, hot coffee; my clothesline; my humble homestead; having such an amazing and humble son; my washing machine; my Jeep still running even though the 'check engine' light is on; Auto Zone; Jinn from Avon who is always encouraging me; dinner with Matt; watching Matt play Wii; a comfy bed; doors that lock; a peaceful neighborhood
4th~ a sweet boy; morning chatter; Matt's smile; SEALS being willing to step up to the plate and protect Matt on the bus to and from school and while at school; Dr Carpenter at JFK being Matt's advocate; poison ivy on both ankles as it means summer is here; DeShaun doing such a neat job mowing; being able to speak my mind to JFK and Matt's school; Matt feeling protected; seeing "Journey 2: Mystery Island" with Matt and having an awesome 'Mommy/ Matthew date'; watching choir practice; asking to have a choir robe ordered for me; ((hugs))
5th~ a peaceful day at work with Matt; getting the house caught up; a sweet boy
6th~ Willie Mae coming to breakfast, Sunday school and church; so many children being baptised; prep work for Founders Day celebration; Iris smelling heavenly in my yard; laundry not blowing away even though my clothes line is bent into a crazy shape from the wind; a long chat with a friend; knowledge that He is changing things so I can do more for Him; house almost ready for weatherization assessment; a brave boy who wants to go to school and face the bullies and the faith in God and inner strength it takes for him to be who he is; quietly knitting as I watch "faith like potatoes"; a peaceful neighborhood
7th~ a sweet boy with a sleepy voice; getting ready for the bus fast and with a really good attitude; fresh, hot coffee; getting more and more organized; a courtesy call from a friend; becoming more independent; watching Him change things for me in a way that always amazes me; the weatherization guy being very sweet and understanding; a chat with a friend about nothing and everything; soft, gentle rain; a peaceful morning; Matt's counselor at SEALS; hope (true hope) for Matt's school situation; time at home to catch up and remember; a chat with a friend; timely payents; a good boy home from school; supper with Matt; Boy Scouts; progress; knitting; snuggles and chatting with a sweet boy
8th~ driving Matt to school; Second Avenue Apostolic Church; Lady Pat; my MP3 player and good Christian music; 1000 ideas running through my head; Avon; all the avenues available to vent my creative side with positive feedback; ((hugs)); informative emails from friends even when it's disgustingly gross news; w.o.r.k.; everyone having a unique personality; passing out flyers for Bible study and dinner after; Matt being my son; erands; cooking for Bible study cuz I passed out a lot of flyers and told 'em to bring everyone; a sweet boy; the house starting to take shape; 3 trips out back with the weed-eater; laundry; Matt taking a thorough bath; Jesus; my salvation; prayer bringing a better attitude; "faith like potatoes"~ watch it if you haven't; learning to be a firm but fair parent
9th~ a sweet snuggly boy; fresh, hot coffee; fresh laundry; a good comb; Matt's smile and chatter; mowing at work today; catching up payroll; Mexican rice cooking at home for Bible study tonight; Matt not sneaking a bite of cobbler; being able to stream WBGL for an hour on my laptop before the signal was gone; passing out more flyers cuz everyone needs Jesus; Oooo, Oooo, Ooooo~ breakfast flyers too; Lady Pat; ((hugs)); Elizabethtown, IL;

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?