Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where Am I Today?

 Sometimes I seem so on-track I scare myself... sometimes I go through valleys where I wonder how I got there and where was He sending me...? Funny how I can go along doing so well and think I'm following His will... then look up and suddenly wonder what I'm doing! Am I really following His will? And, usually, after prayer, I realize I am on track... just going through a trial put there for my own growth... I have to admit I love growth, but I'm not too overly fond of the trials!
Today I find myself abundantly blessed. Not a financial blessing, although I 'think' we'll be OK financially... but spiritually blessed... filled with the abundant Peace of the Lord!
I see more trials ahead... the direction He is taking me has more growth opportunities available than I like to think about... and with those come blessings I've been waiting decades for...
 Bring On the Trials!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?