Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cart Before the Horse?

Good evening! How are you this fine evening? Hope you're staying warm!
I thought I'd share this photo of my crazy chickens with you as it reminds me of myself lately... I seem to be trying to do things out of order~ putting the cart before the horse.
Tonight I gave my chickens scratch grains in addition to their layer crumbles as an experiment. They are 'supposed' to eat out of the bottom of the feeder, allowing the fresh feed to trickle down to replace the food that I would prefer they eat first. The chickens do not see it my way. They never fail to rebel against this system!
More and more I am realizing I am the same way. God lays out a list of things He wants me to do and the order each must be done in... And I never fail to question His choices.
How much simpler would it be to just be obedient? After all, "obedience brings blessings!"
If I am trusting He will take care of me, why can't I just do it His way?
A new train of thought and a new chapter!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?