Monday, May 23, 2011

Life as it Really is...

Funny how it's sometimes so easy, and other times so hard to pick an article title.. some subjects just seem to produce their own title, I suppose... today's title reflects my life... I am rambling... chattering softly to myself so no one hears (I hope)... small things like,"I need to vacuum this office", and, "why didn't I pack lunch?" my wold has recently been turned upside down... what made sense is no more... and literally everything I say/ do is wrong... wonder if they are reading my blog? apparently not as I have not been reprimanded for it yet... what on earth?!?! this is so crazy!!! so I sit quietly... this is not so bad... I have my music... Family Friendly WBGL... Contemporary Christian happiness through an iPhone app.... 
amazing how a completely weird turn of events can change your life and your whole perspective... I used to be very open about who I am and what I do day to day... didn't think too much of it as my life is basic and sort of boring... then something happened... I think it was just changes in society... and someone I tried to help prep 'offered' to break in and take my preps instead of prepping on his own... 
so I became more private...
well, things went beyond weird...
I can say rumors can ruin people's lives... 
and that damage is very difficult to reverse...
the trust, at least in my case, will never be rebuilt...
I have lost so many who I thought were friends or family...
yet, it's not the end of the world...
God is still there...
He sees all... 
He holds me close as this runs it's coarse...
He shows me why I must endure this...
so, now I am quiet... I will rebuild my trust in the world... to a degree... 
but I am going to allow very few to get close to me... 
if I'm not sharing the real me with you any more, give it time... you may be able to rebuild the trust lost... 
times like these really show who true friends are...
I am deeply grateful for the true friends I do have...
You Are A Treasure!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?