Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dealing with Other's Words

Time has really changed what is acceptable behavior... unless you are over 30 years, you probably have no idea what I am talking about... there was a time when it was considered impolite to be rude... that, unfortunately, is no longer the case... 
So, what do we do when others are rude to us? It is, IMHO, very difficult to sit and just take it quietly... yet some circumstances do seem to require me to allow others to say and do whatever they want to/ about me... 
I would say prayer is the best way of dealing with those who are allowed/ encouraged to be rude to you... if you have no real control over how you are treated, then prayer is the best immediate defense...
But, you might, as I do, consider what alternative environments are available to you... funny, but my Sunday School class this week made me think of writing about 'adversity as a motivator'... it really can be the catalyst to a positive change in your life! 
So, as I humble myself, I am thinking harder about where He was directing me before I got sidetracked...? And what do I do to get back on track...? 
I am prayerfully grateful for the few friends I've retained... 
and i am back to looking forward to His plan/ calling for my life... the blessings to come will far outweigh the 'recent unpleasantness'... God is always there...
just waiting for us to say, "here I am and I'm ready to obey!"
Back on track and quietly smiling..........

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?