Friday, February 18, 2011

Where was I Going Again?

Isn't it truly amazing how off track a person can get in the course of just living their life? 
I recently noticed how far from my goal I was. What the heck happened? How could I have allowed myself to let this happen? 
My original intent for my homestead was to be self-sufficient~ as in not require my paycheck to live. I wanted my homestead to pay it's own bills. I wanted it to cover all basic necessities based on my personal criteria. 
Although I've gotten a lot done in improvements toward my goal, I can safely say that I am still way off the mark. The chickens are in and a huge blessing every day. Yes, even during the Snowpocalypse! They are not, however, making me any profit. 
Last year I allowed personal circumstances to prevent me from fully planting and harvesting my garden. What little planting did get done was soon overtaken by weeds and weeding just didn't get done often enough. With the weeds overtaking the garden, harvest time was a disaster. I had very little to dehydrate.
This year I did no canning from my garden for the 3rd year in a row. I did make a few jars of jam from our own fruit. The last one is open in the fridge. 
This was not my plan. Not my plan to look into the pantry and contemplate eating beans every day WTSHTF. Not my plan to not be self-sufficient by now. 
I am re-assessing my game plan and mode of operation. I am formulating a plan to get my humble little homestead back on track. By December I intend to be at the point where my job is not a necessity. Not that I intend to quit! On the contrary~ I just want showing up to work to be because I enjoy being here. 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?