Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Special Project

Hey! Nice of you to stop by. Come on in and sit down. Take your boots off and put your feet by the fire! I'll pour us some coffee while you warm your toes a bit.
I know the weather doesn't seem conducive to it, but I am planning to put a garden in at MorningStar Mission in the spring. 
Yes, this is a tall order. It is what God is requiring of me at this point in my walk. I went in and got permission last year, then felt overwhelmed and backed out. I am embarrassed to say it, but I wimped out! In order to do this, I must be willing to teach an hour long class on gardening, composting, rearing chickens, etc each week. I was at a loss. 
This year I am following God's will for my life more closely. More obedience and less rebellion. His way is always the best. 
Think of the possibilities! Teaching those who have less than I how to put in a garden and raise their own food. Giving them that sense of independence. But, more importantly, sharing food, Christian music, fun, fellowship and learning! Isn't this the basis of what we are supposed to be doing every day? 
I have mentioned the project to a friend at church and she loved the idea. She heads the outreach and wants to talk more about it. She even knows others who may want to help! 
Maybe we could get some local Boy Scouts to come help too? And don't forget Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts!
We are going to have so much fun! 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?