Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pasta Salad w/ Variety

For a quick, yummy change of pace, I popped open a box of Suddenly Salad (Italian style). I'm trying to keep the meals varied so we have a balanced diet, but also need to be able to prepare most meals in a toaster oven or microwave (cooking at work).
To start this meal I browned about 1/4 lb ground beef ( seasoned with garlic & pepper and Greek seasonings) in the toaster oven at 450 degrees.
When it was almost finished, I cooked the noodles in the microwave, drained, rinsed in cool water and drained again.
Then I stirred in the seasoning packets, ground beef and a drained can of green beans.
Topped with a dusting of parmessian cheese, the kids gobbled it up.
Try it yourself and let me know what you think!

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