Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Seeking God's Guidance, Presence, Love when Life is Bad ~ Job 13


13 Look, my eye has seen it all;
    my ear has heard and understood it.
Just as you know, I also know;
    I’m not inferior to you.
But I want to speak to the Almighty;
    I would gladly present my case to God.

Friends attacked

You, however, are plasterers of lies;
    ineffective healers, all of you.
Would that you were completely quiet;
    that would be your wisdom.
Hear my teaching
    and pay attention to the arguments of my lips.
Will you speak injustice for God,
    speak deceit on his behalf?
Will you be partial
    or contend for God?
Will it go well when he searches you,
    or can you fool him as you fool people?
10 He will certainly correct you
    if you’ve been secretly partial.
11 Wouldn’t his majesty scare you
    and dread of him fall on you?
12 Your old sayings are proverbs made of ashes,
    your sayings defenses made of clay.

Job will speak out

13 Be quiet and I will speak,
    come what may.
14 For what reason will I take my flesh in my teeth,
    put my life in jeopardy?
15 He will slay me; I’m without hope;
    I will surely prove my way to his face.
16 Also this will be my vindication,
    that a godless person won’t come before him.
17 Listen closely to my words
    so that my remarks will be in your ears.

Against God

18 Look, I have laid out my case;
    I know that I’m innocent.
19 Who would dare contend with me,
    for then I would be quiet and die.
20 Only don’t do two things to me,
    then I won’t hide from your face.
21 Remove your hand far from me
    and don’t terrify me with your anger.
22 Then call and I’ll answer,
    or I’ll speak and you can reply.
23 How many are my offenses and sins?
    Inform me about my rebellions and sins.
24 Why hide your face from me
    and consider me your enemy?
25 Will you cause a wind-tossed leaf to tremble, or will you pursue dry straw?
26 You even write bitter things about me,
    make me inherit my youthful indiscretions.
27 You tie up my feet and restrict all actions;
    you stamp marks on the bottom of my feet.

Human destiny

28 Surely a person wastes away like refuse,
    like clothing that a moth eats. 

A carefully led life obeying God leaves no need to fear. We are all imperfect, though, so there will always be a little fear. 
And, isn't fear necessary? 
Don't we respect and be our earthly parents out of fear? As children don't we make our choices out of fear of disappointing our earthly parents? Don't we show respect and keep to their rules out of fear of the consequences? 
How much more so then should we do the same out of a healthy fear for our Heavenly Father?!! 
Isn't being sent to hell for all of eternity worse than being grounded to our rooms? Is our rebellion worth an eternity of gnashing teeth? 
What makes us so flippant towards God that we would even begin to think we can pledge our lives to follow and love Him then turn around and ignore the instructions He has so carefully written in His Word??! 
When the end comes and he asks for our explanation . . well, what will yours be? 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?