Sunday, May 5, 2019

Down My Rabbit Hole . .

Sometimes I want to hide in my rabbit hole . . like burry my head in the snow. . you know, out in that hole that goes to the cavern under the parking lot . . you know, the cavern we're all pretending isn't there . . 
But, let me tell you, although camping out deep in a cavern can be a nice break for a while, eventually we all have to resurface and engage in some human contact. 
So, I've been thinking about my lists . . even created a new way to do my lists ..  too exciting! 
But .. 
This morning, as my client snoozed, it dawned on me that I had four (4) solid lists for hard items [ministry, finances, housing, homesteading] but I was totally missing a soft list!! 🙄 
There was no list of comfy happy fun things ..  
That's not good . . so I need to rethink things. .  Yes, some items in my other lists fall under the soft list, 
But . . 
I really do feel that the soft list should create the other lists. 
The things I love and long for should dictate where I live and how I make enough money to survive. 
So, I will do a bit of a rewrite . . 
Then I'll share .. . 
First on Patreon then here .. . 
Stay tuned!!! 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?