Friday, May 10, 2019

Changes Coming!

Hey there! Welcome back. Yes, I know, I've been AWOL yet again ..  took a spill a couple weeks ago and it threw me for a loop. 
Now I'm almost 100% me again  . . I've taken the time away to step back and really look at all my blogs . . keeping four (4) going can be tricky but I can do it as long as I stay focused. And I can see that, pre-face plant, I was extremely focused and making crazy progress. 
With the fall came what appears to have been a dislocated shoulder and now problems with the rotator cuff (I'll know more Monday and will update you all then). 
So, as I've been sitting looking at my blogs I can see that it has become 1) more of a job than fun; 2) I've almost completely quit sharing what I really think/feel. 
So, I'm going to change how I do this. For the posts on Blogger and Patreon it will mean going back and looking at what really interests me then sharing that. 
I do think a lot of the reason I stopped sharing was out of fear for what others would think/say. That has to stop. 
I would also like to include more journalistic posts down the road as I have time to do the necessary research. 
On Patreon I am also going to "fix" the  tiers. I am very displeased with how those are set up right now. What's available at each price level is extremely unclear and replicated. Although I won't be going back and switching posts to different tiers (at least not in the near future) I will be looking at what I love to write/make videos about and planning what should logically go on each tier. 
If you have particular topics you'd like to know more about, please let me know in the comments below. 
Stay tuned and let's have fun with this!! 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?